Echoes is a poignant animated short that takes you on a touching journey through the final moments of Harlan’s life. As he nears the end, Harlan experiences his memories flashing before him, believing he’s dreaming. Guided by his childhood dog, Wilbur, who now appears as a spiritual guide, Harlan revisits cherished moments with his beloved wife, Winnie, and his son, Martin. This heartfelt film beautifully captures the process of coming to terms with one’s life and the peace of reuniting with loved ones in the afterlife. Echoes promises a deeply moving and visually stunning experience.
The Pinto Variety Hour is a pilot for an animated adult comedy featuring Pinto, a recovering rageaholic bean who hosts a surreal variety show. As Pinto juggles eccentric guests, like a time-traveling beret inventor, and navigates his tumultuous relationship with his show’s sponsor, Big Powerful Nobody, he also deals with everyday family dynamics. Balancing his quirky work life with his role as a father to teenagers Lucy and Max and husband to Flo, Pinto’s world is a whimsical mix of surreal comedy and heartfelt moments in the charming town of Hazelwood.
Miss You Mom takes you on a surreal journey where reality blurs with the extraordinary. When Kelsey and Julian encounter Marcella, a quirky antique store owner, Kelsey receives a mysterious building permit inside a curious wooden box. The permit allows them to construct a building up to 68 floors high, sparking a bewildering project that strains Julian’s patience. As the construction progresses, Kelsey begins to unravel disturbing revelations about her mother’s death, leading to a profound and unsettling discovery.
W/ho is God? is a pioneering AI-created short film, certified by Mexico’s National Copyright Institute. This unique film explores the intersection of human creativity and divinity, questioning how humanity’s quest to create life in its own image reflects a divine process. As it delves into the nature of creation and identity, W/ho is God? prompts viewers to reflect on the profound relationship between creator and creation.’
Vita Nova is a poignant animated short by Dmytro Zavora, based on a story by Josef Reding. Set in post-war Germany, it follows a man who enters a pharmacy with the intention of buying poison to end his life. As he waits at the counter, his indecision prompts a profound reflection on his circumstances and reasons to keep going. In just 7 minutes, this moving film delves into themes of despair, resilience, and the quest for hope amid adversity.
Unsinkable Mac is a gripping animated short that follows a retired truck driver in his fifties who finds solace in his routine life. But when nightmarish memories of war resurface, his mundane existence is upended. As Mac and his aging truck face the unforeseen, they confront the harrowing plunge ahead. Inspired by the sole survivor of the 1980 Sunshine Skyway Bridge Collapse, this imaginative film weaves together a tale of resilience and courage in the face of overwhelming odds.
World Naked Bike Tour follows the hilariously chaotic clash between a nude cycling event and a determined right-wing picketer. As the picketer attempts to sabotage the fun, cartoonish slapstick and absurdity ensue. Inspired by the global phenomenon of the World Naked Bike Ride, this film delivers a raucous, comedic romp that celebrates freedom and self-expression in the face of opposition.
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